Monday, October 24, 2011


We took the dogs to the dog park yesterday. It was the first time we took Alfie. Last time we were here with Kelly and Bobby, they walked through the gate and immediately lost sight of where we were even though we were not far away. They stood by each other and looked really worried until I finally walked over close enough for them to see me well. Bobby used to ran across the park from time to time, but that seemed to put an end to it, the entire time he and Kelly hid under the bench where Jeff and I sat and refused to go an inch away from us.

Kelly was her old self, sat by me the entire time except a few attempts to jump off the bench and stood at two feet away for a few minutes, Alfie was swooned by a beautiful white mini poodle girl at the dog park. He thought she was sooooo fine, he followed her the entire time that she was at the park. The owner even got a little annoyed that he wouldn't leave her alone. Finally they left, Alfie followed her all the way to the gate, and watched her leave. As soon as she was gone, Alfie spotted another beautiful white mini poodle at the park, and followed her everywhere for a while!

Well, at least we now know his type, he loves white colored mini poodles!

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