Saturday, July 18, 2020

Another weekend home project

Well, sometime during the past three years, I had to chop down a giant jacaranda tree in my backyard.  I had no choice because it was getting too big and the roots took over the whole backyard and was crawling under the house.  After the tree was removed, the backyard was just not even and leveled anymore.  It’s hard to see from the picture but it was very wavy and hard to walk on, so I kind of just avoided the backyard altogether.

Recently though with me spending more time in the backyard getting things prettied up, it was obvious that this area had to be taken care of.

A week ago I asked my gardener to help reset the pavers to level out the ground and he gave me a super good price so I decided to go for it.  Today was a good day to get things done because the pups got sent to the groomers during the day to get a summer hair cut and I have the house and backyard to myself to work on things.

I only had half an hour to pick out the plants but I think I did pretty well having already had an idea of what I want the design to look like.  I chose a short evergreen as a border and then roses and lavender to fill out the small garden area.

The evergreen will eventually fill out the empty spaces and so will the lavender and roses.  I also added planting mix and topped with bark chip for some added moisture to protect the plants.  It was so much hard work and my gardener pulled out even more giant roots from that small area, loosened up the soil and leveled the ground.  I am so happy with the way it turned out!

Here’s the final product!  I couldn’t be happier with the end results!  I’ve wanted to do this for years and have no idea why I didn't do it sooner!  In the evening I turned on the fountain for the first time in years and really enjoyed relaxing outdoors.  Now that I have the backyard all set up, I think I’m ready to invite a friend or two over for some wine and dinner!

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