Thursday, July 11, 2019

Typical day...

I wore this 1960s vintage pendant to work yesterday and everyone seemed to like it.  It's a beautifully made piece and has very pretty pink cabochons.  I'm really having a moment with 60s fashion, and I wonder why they haven't made a strong come back like the 50s fashion.  

For dinner last night I made steak with peas and macaroni salad.  I'm so clumsy at cooking, now that I hardly cook it gets even worse, but at least I try!

Entertainment in the evening came from amazon prime.  I've just discovered Goldie Hawn's early movies and they are absolutely delightful.  I don't know about other people, but just having some peace and quiet at the end of a long work day is heaven for me!  


  1. I love that pendant! It's giving me serious Dark Shadow vibes for some reason.

    I really need to watch Cactus Flower! Good to know it's on Prime!


  2. Thank you! I'm really love these 60s 70s? pendant necklace! Yes definitely check out the movie I'm just discovering all the Goldie Hawn's earlier movies and love them!


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