Saturday, August 10, 2019

An ordinary week with no notable problems or emergencies feel like such a blessing... aside from the side bumper of my car got messed up by someone in the parking lot, but it wasn't something that urgently required fixing like a flat tire and so I decided to just not worry about it.  

With summer here I try to take everyone out on a big long walk at least once a day.  They have a nice backyard to run around but it's almost a crime not to walk your dogs because they love it so much and think it's so much fun.  It's also great exercise for me as well!  I always try to tell myself that time is there to do everything you want to do, so it's really important to manage it well!

Sometimes during the walk I pick flowers off the bushes by the side walk, these pretty flowers fit perfect in my tiny vintage crystal vase and there are endless supply of flowers during summer time.  I really have to say even with the heat I do love California summer, something about seasonal fresh fruit, glistering sea, warm sunshine and BBQ parties that just makes it so absolutely amazing!

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