Saturday, December 26, 2020

Holiday Weekend

Since I had no gathering at my house for Christmas this year, I really didn't do much in terms of decorating.  I still like to give each Holiday it's due but I kept cooking super minimal and shared an organic roast chicken with my four pups and called it a day.  The most important thing is I got some down time to relax and it was pretty great!  I also took the time to read and plan for next year and did some work.  My goal is not to waste a minute of time to work on myself and hopefully when the pandemic is over things will be better than ever. 

Immediately following Christmas Day I had to get back to work because too many things had to be done for Monday and I didn’t want to sit idle and do nothing.  On my way home I stopped by Grocery Outlet again to pick up some food item for the pups.  My current favorite is the grass fed ground beef with only 7% fat for $4.99 a package. The meat is incredibly fresh and I have seen prices as high as $11 at regular grocery store.  I honestly rarely eat red meat myself but my pups just love chicken and beef so as a result I hit the store at least once or twice a week to stock up on fresh ingredients.  

Sometimes I get a little bit of left over meat so I would scramble the meat with several eggs and it instantly turn into another meal.  It can be a breakfast for the pups.  Usually in the morning my puppies love to have something to eat... without over feeding them I do like to give them a small breakfast... typically they like to activate puppies eyes as I step out to go to work, I had to give them a bite of something so they don’t feel like they are owed a portion of treat for the morning.

I also wanted to get a jump start on my 50 books a year reading list so I stopped by the bookstore and picked up three books that I really wanted to read.  I actually have digital copies but I don’t enjoy reading on my phone as much.  I’ve already read a good portion of two of them and I have a note book that I use to write down important points.  It’s not being just nerdy and redundant, I learn visually so writing note helps me absorb and remember anything that I’ve read.  I also love having a physical copy of book that I can hold in my hands and write notes and highlight on... it all helps to aid my memory.  It’s just how I learn.

Since I found one more planner from last year that never got used, I decided to have a separate one for house keeping and domesticity.  I flipped through the pages and found out I only barely used one month.  So I crossed out the few items I wrote down from last year and reused it for 2021.  The planner wasn’t dated so I didn’t have to throw the whole thing out!  While sipping a glass of Chardonnay and listening to YouTube budgeting videos I planned out a few house keeping goals and budgeting goals for January.  I’m not sure if real grown ups do this but it’s awfully a lot of fun playing with cute planners and stickers so I’m doing it!  So far I did a simple meal planning, chore tasks and budgeting goals for January and hope it will help me stay on track!  I even planned a dinner with a friend at my house because... well I don’t think I have done one in months and months. 

I also found an old large wallet in the drawer because I’m learning to use the “envelope budgeting system” so I had to switch out my teeny tiny wallet that I normally use.  YouTube is such a good place to learn some basic real life skills and I’m excited to spend the next week or so tracking my food budget! 

Obviously my enthusiasm for the new year is super high and I’m doing everything I can to be prepared for it! No crazy NYE party this year but I’m still optimistic in spirit!  My plan for this year is reduce, recycle and reuse.  Everything I’ve done so far is geared towards that goal and overall I think it’s a super good way to spend a holiday weekend without being able to do much socially or otherwise. 

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