Sunday, July 10, 2022

Turning a new page, and some new plans!

I've got a 40th birthday coming up and it's such a major milestone in a person's life and I spent quite a lot of time thinking about it.  The health set back last year was possibly one of the most humbling experience I've ever had, and it really made me appreciate having my normal life back.  Basic things like being able to drink coffee, taking a walk or standing up for more than an hour a day, things that I used to take for granted and made possible by having reasonably good health, for about six months I didn't have that.  Being able to live normally is encouraging and exciting enough for me at the moment and I have a lot of appreciation for the small things in life. 

Moving forward for the rest of year, I've got quite a few plans and can't wait to get things started.  I spent the first half of this year doing my best to get my business back on track, which is no small feat in of itself!  While I did well work wise, I haven't quite achieved my health goal.  Working too much was the reason I got sick in the first place, so it was hard to believe that I got sucked into over working and over stressing again, but I'm doing my best to find some work/life balance!

One of the super fun goal I gave myself is to do a 90 day glow up challenge.  I've been struggling with weight gain for the past year and its soul crushing to suddenly gain so much weight in a short time span and not being able to wear any article of clothing in my wardrobe.  Dressing up is a big part of what brings me joy everyday, imagine giving it up because I've literally got nothing to wear unless I want to buy a whole new wardrobe.

The idea of feeling like myself again and being able to dress up everyday is super exciting to me!  I've been keeping a fitness journal and making some activity plans and can't wait to see some results.  I will have to do a whole separate post for that. 

Another goal of mine is to read more!  There are quite a few books lying around the house that I've been wanting to read.  Things like polishing up my grammar, as a foreigner I always feel that I could improve my English.  Or topics on investing, which I pretty much knows nothing of.  My whole life I constantly get into new hobbies or new interests, some don't last around for too long, but others have turned into a whole new career path and taking me on a completely new direction in life.  I find that having a bit of curiosity never hurts in life, and I'm a strong believer that anyone can learn a new skill at any time!  

When I don't find people in my immediate circle to be hugely inspiring, reading is a great way to get inside the minds of people that's done a lot with their lives.  I also find it very healthy to never stop being curious and never stop learning.  Particularly I'm realizing from my own self that getting older doesn't automatically make me smarter, which makes me even more interested in improving myself. 

Lastly, I want to take better care of my pets, my home, and myself.  In the past, every day I wake up in the morning other people immediately become my top priority.  I always put clients' and work demands ahead of myself, from now on I'm going to put myself first and make sure I get what I need first everyday before delaying my health and life goals for the sake of work.  I'm truly looking forward to continued healing, better health and an amazing rest of the year!

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