Monday, September 5, 2022

Food I've been enjoying lately

My food choices have improved quite a bit and I'm trying a lot of delicious and healthy foods that I normally don't touch.  One of the morning drink I've been enjoying is powdered wheatgrass juice.  The taste is not as strong as fresh wheatgrass and I mixed it with two shots of ginger lemon shot from Trader Joe's.  I find it quite refreshing and I keep a set at home as well as in my office!  

Another new food I'm trying is black tahini and blackstrap molasses, not sure if it's just old wive's tale but I've heard that both are great for hair health, so everyday in the evening I mixed one tbsp of blackstrap molasses with two tbsp black tahini as a dessert.  

I've also started using the Chinese tea maker that I bought earlier in the year.  It's designed to brew Chinese herbal tea that has medicinal qualities.  The little machine came with a recipe book so I've been slowly going through the it learning how to make delicious porridge or tea.

Other things that I have been working on that's helpful to improve my energy level include exercising 2-3 times a week and eating healthy food.  I've been incorporating at least one salad into my meal every day, it's a small change but I can feel a difference already!  Every 3 days or so I pick up a couple bags of mixed green so they stay fresh when I make the salad, and I like to throw in all kinds of ingredients for depth of flavor.  It's a great way to increase my fiber intake and I'm already feeling the benefit from eating healthy food.  I'm overall less anxious and stressed and my energy level is good throughout the day!

When I want to improve my nutrition, I tend to grab a supplement or a pill as a quick fix and always ignoring the simplest thing right in front of me and that's the food I eat every single day.  With healthy food choices, very little to no alcohol intake and a few times exercise a week, I'm slowly improving my overall wellbeing and my weight has started to come down.  It's been a really interesting and rewarding journey and I'm looking forward to see what changes will come in another month's time. 

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